Corporations Law

Corporations Law


Navigating the complex web of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is a daunting task for any business operating in Australia. Understanding and complying with this legislation is important to risk management and protecting your business.

Consequences of non-compliance can range from fines to damage to your reputation, and, in some cases, even company dissolution. As a leading commercial law firm, we offer comprehensive corporate legal services designed to help you understand, navigate, and comply with the Corporations Act. We provide guidance regarding directors’ duties, corporate governance, shareholders rights and more.

Corporate legal services

Our team is ready to provide expert advice on your legal responsibilities and obligations when it comes to managing and operating a company in Australia. We support your business to operate effectively within the legal framework, minimising potential risks while maximising growth opportunities.

Our comprehensive corporate law services cover a wide range of areas, including:

Corporate governance
We provide guidance on the systems, processes, and procedures that dictate corporate direction and performance. We can help you understand your business obligations and responsibilities to comply with regulatory requirements while promoting efficiency and transparency.

Directors duties
Understanding and fulfilling directors’ duties is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your corporation. We offer advice on directors’ obligations and responsibilities, to mitigate risks and legal issues.

Mergers and acquisitions
From due diligence to negotiation and completion, we can assist with every stage of mergers and acquisitions, working with key stakeholders to streamline the process.

Capital raising and investment
Whether you’re seeking to raise capital or considering an investment opportunity, we draft or review agreements and provide advice tailored to your circumstances.

Due diligence
We can support you in conducting thorough due diligence, from sourcing documents to reviewing existing contracts and agreements for potential issues, providing you with a clear understanding of your position and identifying potential risks.

Related party transactions
We provide expert advice on related party transactions to ensure compliance with corporate laws and protect all stakeholders’ interests.

Shareholder agreements
We can draft, review, and negotiate shareholder agreements, ensuring they protect your interests and align with your business strategies.

We are also experienced in resolving shareholder disputes. We understand that such disagreements can disrupt business operations and potentially damage your company’s reputation. We work with you to find a suitable resolution and minimise the impact on your business.

Shareholder rights
We help you understand and protect shareholder rights, ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all shareholders.

We are experienced in the process of drafting and amending company constitutions, ensuring they meet legal requirements and support your business objectives and can guide you through the process.

Company insolvency
If you have financial difficulties, it can be a stressful time and difficult to find a way forward. We provide expert, objective advice on your options, including insolvency procedures and potential alternatives, and support you in navigating these challenging circumstances.

How we can help

We also provide independent legal advice to company directors about personal liability, exposure and conflicts of interest. Our tailored approach is designed to understand your circumstances and identify potential issues before they escalate, offering preventive measures and strategies to manage and mitigate your risks effectively.

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, offering consistent support as your business grows and evolves. Talk to our team about how we can support your business in navigating the complex landscape of corporate law in Australia.

Find out how we can help. Book your complimentary consultation today.