Lawyers For Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Lawyers For Dispute Resolution & Litigation


Engaging in legal disputes can be a daunting and stressful prospect for any business, big or small. It’s often a sign that things have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the line, and you need some help to get back on track.

There are times when enforcing or defending your legal rights through formal proceedings becomes an absolute necessity. Whether you’re already involved in court proceedings or foresee a dispute on the horizon, our team at NB Commercial are here to support you in finding a way forward, even if you can’t see one. We offer alternative dispute resolution, negotiation and help with state and federal court proceedings.

Dispute resolution options

We understand that being involved in a dispute is rarely the desired situation for either party. The process can disrupt regular business operations, cause undue stress for owners and directors, and lead to unwanted legal expenses. We are here to support you to navigate these challenging circumstances with minimal disruption to your business and give you personal peace of mind.

Our approach to dispute resolution is multifaceted, focusing first on alternative methods to litigation. We can support you through the available options, including negotiation, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration, which are effective tools for resolving conflicts.

These alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods offer several advantages over traditional court proceedings, including greater control over the process, faster resolution, lower costs, and preservation of relationships.

Our team has extensive experience in these matters and can guide you through the process, aiming to reach a resolution that aligns with your business objectives and maintains your relationships intact.

Not all disputes can be resolved through ADR methods, and we are well-equipped to assist you should your matter escalate to court proceedings. We will work closely with you to develop a robust strategy for court and provide practical advice.

Legal disputes can be a complex, challenging process. They can also be both financially and emotionally draining. Despite the complexities and potential stress associated with legal disputes, it’s crucial to remember that you’re not alone in this journey.

Whether it’s through negotiation or court proceedings, we’re dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for you and your business. We believe there is always a way forward, no matter the situation and we are here to support you at every step of the process.

Find out how we can help. Book your complimentary consultation today.